Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why choose us for laptop DC jack repair?

One question we are asked frequently is "Why would I choose Comprehensive Computing for my laptop DC power jack repair?" So, we thought we'd give you a few answers to this question. :-)

1. We offer very competent service for laptop DC power jack repair. Our technicians practice desoldering and soldering DC jacks and other components on many motherboards before they even touch a customer's laptop. They undergo a very thorough training and evaluation process. In all honesty, many have tried and many have failed to meet our laptop repair standards. We carefully screen applicants then make sure they are adequately educated in electronic component PC board repair before they begin work.

2. The price is right. After many months of market research, we feel our $99 price on laptop power connector repair is very fair and affordable to customers all over the country.

3. We enjoy interaction with our customers. Unlike a lot of companies on the Internet, we welcome phone calls from customers. We will take the time to discuss your laptop's needs and how we can help you. We promise to provide friendly and personal service to you throughout the laptop repair process.

4. We do more than just laptop DC power jack repair. We replace LCD screens, keyboards, fans, memory (RAM), inverters, motherboards, you name it. We've disassembled thousands of laptop computers, so we know them very well. That's a great advantage to you, because other DC jack repair companies will tell you straight-forwardly that they don't do anything else besides laptop power jack repair. If you have any other needs with your laptop, rest assured that we can help you with other repairs or upgrades your laptop may need.

5. We're fast. When you send your laptop in for DC power jack replacement, you can typically expect a 1 to 2 business day turnaround. While there are companies that will promise even same day repair service on your laptop, we prefer to be honest and up front to keep your expectations reasonable and accurate. Almost always we complete DC power jack repair on every laptop that comes in within 1 to 2 business days. It is very rare that a DC jack repair will go as long as 3 days after we receive a customer's laptop. Most laptops are repaired within 1 business day, however we would prefer to tell you 1 to 2 business days just to be honest and fair to you.

6. We back up our DC jack repair work with a lifetime warranty. This means if the repair wasn't absolutely perfect, we will fix it no matter how long it has been since your lapotp DC power jack was replaced by us.

7. Hundreds of small to medium computer repair shops trust us with their customers' laptops for repair. A very large portion of our business comes from other computer shops who prefer not to do their own laptop DC jack repairs on site. They ship their customers' laptops to us for our DC power connector replacement service many times over. If they trust our quality work, why wouldn't you?

In closing, there are many reasons Comprehensive Computing is your choice for laptop repair. We look forward to making you another happy customer. Feel free to call us at 276-964-2500 or email us at to speak with us anytime.


Broken Acer DC power pin

One thing that tends to happen with Acer laptop models including the Travelmate and Aspire series is the center pin in the DC power jack tends to break out of the jack itself. These laptops use a 1.65mm center pin DC power connector (jack), which are a bit more fragile and susceptible to damage than the larger 2.5mm DC jacks. Many times the pin will break and get stuck inside the plug of the AC power adapter.

If this has happened to your Acer Aspire or Travelmate laptop, we want to calm your fears. This type of breakage is no worse than the average broken DC power jack we see for our $99 laptop DC power jack repair service. We replace the entire jack when a notebook computer comes in for this repair, and since the center pin is part of the jack itself the laptop is good as new after the DC jack replacement. The center pin itself usually comes out of the adapter plug with no problem at all, and we don't charge extra to fix the plug.

Read more about our Acer DC power jack repair (as well as any other PC laptop brand) at our web site at for more details.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Canada laptop DC power jack repair

To answer a question we receive just about every day, yes we offer laptop DC power jack repair to customers in Canada at a very affordable price, $99 USD plus return shipping. Return shipping to Canada after laptop DC jack repair is typically around $50 USD through the US Postal Service.

If you choose to send your laptop for power port replacement, we ask that you send it via standard mail rather than FedEx or UPS due to their surcharges billed to us after we receive the laptop. The Postal Service does not charge this to us, which will keep your laptop repair cost down to a minimum.

So, if you've been told your laptop will need a new motherboard due to a broken or loose DC power jack, we can help. We've saved thousands of people the expense of replacing the motherboard through our power jack repair service. Visit our site at for more information on our DC jack replacement service.

England laptop DC power jack repair

We are starting to see many more laptops come in for our DC power jack repair service from the United Kingdom lately. Even in large cities such as London, there are not many service centers with technicians who will even touch a laptop with a broken or loose power socket.

Many people from England and other locations in the UK ask the same question: how expensive is it to ship my laptop to you for repair from Europe? Well, shipping your laptop for DC power connection repair is not nearly as expensive as most people would think. We use the US Postal Service for shipping to England, which usually costs less than $54 USD. Of course our DC power jack replacement itself is only $99 USD, making this fix a much more affordable option than having to replace the motherboard in your laptop. As always, we will replace the bad DC jack with a brand new power jack in your laptop and test it to make sure everything is working as it should.

If you are in need of DC jack / port repair for your laptop, just send us an email at and we'll help you get your laptop shipped in for guaranteed professional and personal service.

More information on our laptop power jack repair is located at

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Acer Aspire and Travelmate power jack repair

Acer utilizes a very fragile DC jack in most of their laptop models. This power jack has a 1.65mm center pin, which is much smaller in diameter than the usual 2.5mm pin in most DC power connectors. So, with the day-to-day wiggling of the power plug of the AC adapter, these DC jacks break or come loose from the motherboard very easily.

We have an increasing number of customers ask us if we can upgrade the jack in these Acer laptops to a larger jack. The answer is yes. We can solder a 2.5mm DC power jack in place of the smaller jack in these notebooks. Obviously a 2.5mm pin is not going to break as easily as a 1.65mm pin. The only drawback is if we replace your DC jack with a different jack, your AC power adapter will not fit without replacing the plug with the correct size power plug.

Whether you decide to have the jack replaced with the standard 1.65mm Acer power jack or the larger 2.5mm DC jack, we have a solution for you. Check out our $99 DC power jack repair service for more details.

Laptop will not charge battery -- why?

Laptops begin showing battery charging problems for a few reasons. Of course the number one reason we see laptops that won't charge the battery is due to a broken or loose DC power jack. If the laptop can't receive power from the AC adapter properly, it cannot charge the battery at all or will only charge intermittently. In these cases, our $99 DC jack replacement will fix the problem and allow the notebook to properly charge the battery.

Occasionally there is a problem with the charging circuit on the motherboard that is unrelated to the DC jack itself. This is a rare problem, however it does happen from time to time. These types of problems can be a lot of trouble to trace down.

Another reason for battery charging issues is the AC adapter (charger) itself. This is more common in many of the Dell laptops that utilize the larger barrel power plug. They have a 19 volt circuit as well as a 3.5 volt data circuit. A multitude of problems with these power adapters will prohibit the laptop from charging the battery. Also, we see many HP, Gateway, Comaq, Acer, Averatec and Toshiba laptops come in with dead power adapters and often have problems with the DC jack as well requiring repair.

A third reason laptops can't charge batteries is actually a dead battery. Sometimes the battery simply needs to be replaced. If a laptop's battery sits completely discharged for a long period of time, it may not ever be charged again. This is particulary true for many of the Toshiba and HP laptop batteries from a couple of years ago. Again, defective laptop batteries can be a side effect of a problem with the power adapter or a bad DC power jack. If you purchase another battery for your laptop and find that it is still not charging, your laptop likely has a bad DC connector or AC power adapter.

Feel free to contact us regarding your laptop power problems. We have a very quick turnaround and low price on DC jack replacement and other repair options.